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Brian Lamb

Brian Lamb Profile Photo


Brian is the co-CEO and co-Founder of Swivl, Inc. He holds a MS in Design and Engineering from Stanford University, and a BS in Engineering from UNH. During his early career, he developed products and patented solutions in diverse industry markets like consumer electronics, power tools and medical devices. He also lectured in Stanford’s foundational design course and counseled industry leaders on creativity and innovation practices. Together with Vladimir Tetelbaum, he founded Swivl in 2010 as one of the first startups to ever utilize crowdfunding. He has continued since then to research educator needs and create innovative solutions used by millions.

Nov. 16, 2023

117: From Consumer to Classroom: Swivl's Evolution with Co-Founder & CEO, Brian Lamb

In this episode of EdUP EdTech, hosts Holly Owens and Nadia Johnson interview Brian Lamb, Co-CEO and Founder of Swivel. Lamb shares his journey from engineering and design school to the tech space, and how he and his co-found...
Guest: Brian Lamb